Based on suggestions from law enforcement professionals we have consulted with, ORC Forensics has designed this adhesive label to help identify and record evidence, like bloodstains, that are discovered at crime scenes. What we accomplished was a label that includes a 10cm x 10cm frame-of-reference corner square, a 15cm ruler along the bottom edge, and 11 open fields for writing down information. Each ruler edge features our Optirectilinear® graphics, those black and white rectangle designs, which are there to help you read measurements from a distance and recognize major linear graduations in photographs.
Our Blood Stain Evidence Reports come on sheet liners, and are sold in sets of 10 labels. Originally designed to specifically catalog bloodstains, forensic departments have used these frames of reference decals to record a variety of evidence types, like bullet holes and hand prints. These adhesive reports are printed on glare resistant paper stock so measurements can be more easily read, and evidence better scrutinized, in photographs by investigators. The adhesive properties of the label are high tack, but removable, and will not leave a residue behind.
The open areas for labeling on the reports are the following fields:
-Case #
-Stain #
-Stain Location
-Point of Convergence
-Prepared By
This criteria represents the most common information forensic experts we consulted needed on these reports. Please contact us at ORC Forensics if you would like to discuss customization options, and we can set you up with a quote.